Writing 201: Water, Haiku, Simile

Right, so it’s  actually a Tanka, because I can’t write haiku without sounding like a five year old. Go check out the writing201 tag, you’ll find some awesome shit.

Moonrise like water
Your lunch runs for fear of death
Your golden eyes bright
So small, you fear no evil
This werekitty owns my heart.

Written in reference to Lacy from the “Real Vampires” series by Gerry Bartlett.
Clearly, I’ve been reading fiction again. There will likely be more to come…

Hello, Internet

I do hope you’ll enjoy this world of mine. If you have met me in life, you will be shocked to know this is what goes on inside my head on an hourly basis. Or, perhaps, you won’t be shocked at all. Come in, sit down, and have a cup of tea. This might take a while.
